When you think about museums, the mental image that comes to mind is that of a building that holds artifacts and other articles of arty, traditional, ancient, or scientific relevance. While Amsterdam has many of the conventional museums, like the Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, you will be amazed what to find. Amsterdam also holds some of the weirdest museums you can possibly imagine. In this article, we will explore some of these amazingly unusual museums in full detail. After extensive research, we have listed some of the most bizarre museums in the ancient city. The list includes museums about: Weed, Bags, Cats, Houseboats, SEXXX, Fluorescent Art, Hidden Churches, Science, Pipes and Torture!
Get ready for a startling adventure!
Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum Amsterdam

Preview of collection Museum Of Bags And Purses Amsterdam
Photo credits: Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum Amsterdam
If a friend told you that Amsterdam has a museum for hashish and marijuana, I am sure that you would dismiss his statement and make a joke of her. If you made fun of your friend when she said that there is a museums for hash and marijuana, I certainly owe her an apology because she is right! While almost everyone knows that Amsterdam has a reputation for cannabis and marijuana, most people never suspected that they would take their love for cannabis to this height.
The Hash, Marihuana & Hemp Museum has a huge reputation and has been a source of attraction to many tourist and cannabis enthusiast globally. It was built in 1985 and it is located in the urban area of the city which unsurprisingly happens to be the celebrated red light district of Amsterdam. The museum offers insight into the history of cannabis, hemp and hash in Amsterdam while exploring some of its earliest applications and relevancies. The museum holds some of the oldest and rarest marijuana and hemp articles while delving into some of the uses of its uses which encompasses the cultural, religious and recreation applications. 2008 witnessed the expansion of the museum which has created the opportunity for people to purchase related clothing and fittings. Contrary to what you might think, the museum welcomes cannabis and hash enthusiast as well as fun seeking and adventurous tourists.
Address : Oudezijds Achterburgwal 148 (1012 DV, Amsterdam)
Website : http://hashmuseum.com/
Gallery Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum Amsterdam :
The Museum Of Bags And Purses Amsterdam / Tassenmuseum Hendrikje

Preview of collection Museum Of Bags And Purses Amsterdam
Photo credits: Tassenmuseum Hendrikje
Tassenmuseum Hendrikje is the name of the museum and just like you guessed, this museum is dedicated to bags and purses. The museum holds a collection of over 4000 bags, purses and other related items. While you might be tempted to think that this is just a very big boutique, the fact that it holds bags, purses and other related items from the Medieval Era only validates its status as an exceptionally bizarre museums. For fashion enthusiast, this is certainly a great tourist location.
Address : Herengracht 573 (1017 CD, Amsterdam)
Website : http://hashmuseum.com/
Gallery The Museum Of Bags And Purses Amsterdam / Tassenmuseum Hendrikje :
The Cats Amsterdam – Het Kattenkabinet

Preview of collection The Cats Museum Amsterdam – Het Kattenkabinet
Photo credits: Het Kattenkabinet
John Pierpont Morgan is the name of the cat that inspired the creation of the cats museum in Amsterdam, named: Kattenkabinet. While this may sound somewhat ridiculous, Bob Meijer, who happens to be the founder of the museum holds a different opinion. For lovers of the feline creature, you can be sure to feast your eyes on an abundance of articles that are related to cats in this museum. Though a relatively new museum, the KattenKabinet has not failed to attract people.
Address : Herengracht 497, (1017 BT, Amsterdam)
Website : http://www.kattenkabinet.nl/
Gallery Cats Museum Amsterdam – Het Kattenkabinet :
The Houseboat Museum Amsterdam

Impression of The Houseboat Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: The Houseboat Museum Amsterdam
Although this museum is also unusual which is very apparent from its name, let me point out the houseboat museum is pleasantly bizarre. A trip to Amsterdam would be incomplete without a visit to houseboat museum. Established in 1914 and named after the wife of the captain of the boats first skipper. The houseboat museum in Amsterdam is undoubtedly a beauty to behold. The museum is a houseboat that shows the life of sailors of old. Luxurious and comfy, you will be jolted into the present world of ancient sailors.
Address : Prinsengracht 296-K, (1016 HW, Amsterdam)
Website : https://www.houseboatmuseum.nl/
Gallery The Houseboat Museum Amsterdam :
The Sex Museum Amsterdam – Venustempel

New Entrance of The Sex Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: Google
Situated on Damrak Street, the Sex Museum in Amsterdam is a spectacle that explores the humans’ sexual behavior and positions. Even though I find this bizarre that a museum would be created to child sex figurines and arts, I will certainly visit this museum the next time I visit Amsterdam. The museum stated welcoming visitors in 1985 and has been a major tourist attraction since it was opened. This museum holds some of the most impressive sex pictures and objects that captures sex in its essence without the pornographic element.
Address : Damrak 18, (1012 LH, Amsterdam)
Website : http://www.sexmuseumamsterdam.nl/
Gallery The Sex Museum Amsterdam – Venustempel :
The Electric Ladyland / Fluorescent Art Museum Amsterdam

People having fun at the Fluorescent Art Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: Nick Padalino – Electric Ladyland
Many youngsters would find this museum very captivating. The Electric Ladyland museum is the very first fluorescent art museum! While this museum makes the bizarre list, it is certainly one museum that you can bring your kids. This museum features some of the best dedicated to showcasing art, minerals, and manufactured objects that shine under ultraviolet light.
Address : Tweede Leliedwarsstraat 5 (1015 TB, Amsterdam)
Website : http://electric-lady-land.com/
Gallery The Electric Ladyland / Fluorescent Art Museum Amsterdam :
Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder

Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder church
Photo credits: Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder
The Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder (Museum Our Lord in the Attic in English) is strategically located in the historical city center of Amsterdam, so it is highly unlikely that you wouldn’t pass it. On the other side it would be very easy to walk along it, without even having noticed it… The hidden status of the former church, is the reason why it has made it to this weirdest museum list.
The church was developed by a rich catholic merchant, who bought three houses and build a church in the top floor of the three houses. The reason of this move, was that there were no other religions allowed other than the Protestant religion. The church was later converted into a museum in 1888 and has since been a major attraction for tourist. Currently, the clandestine church museum hosts about 85,000 tourists on a yearly basis, and it is the second oldest museum of the city behind the Rijksmuseum.
Address : Oudezijds Voorburgwal 38, (1012 GE, Amsterdam)
Website : https://www.opsolder.nl/
Gallery Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder :
Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam

Impression of Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: Nemo Science Museum
The architectural design of this museum would leave you ecstatic. No this museum doesn’t expose art, boring history or whatsoever… Just as the name implies, this museum is dedicated to science and innovations. Nemo Science museum is very educational and offers many interactive items at the exhibition. This makes the museum a lot of fun, both for adults and children!
The museum was introduced in 1923 and is contained in the Renzo Piano structure. This museum has the reputation of being the biggest science center in the Netherlands. It pulls over 500.000 tourists annually.
Don’t forget to visit the rooftop beach-like bar! If you are lucky and the sun is shining (could be rare in the Netherlands) You’ll have to stay and watch the sunset over the city center of Amsterdam.
Address : Oosterdok 2, (1011 VX, Amsterdam)
Website : https://www.nemosciencemuseum.nl/
Gallery Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam :
Pipe Museum Amsterdam – Pijpenkabinet

Impression of Pipe Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: © Amsterdam Pipe Museum – Stichting Pijpenkabinet, Amsterdam
The Amsterdam Pipe museum is dedicated to pipes. For lover’s tobacco and smoking pipes, you will find an abundance of trappings that would leave you enchanted. With more than 2,000 smoking objects and paraphernalia, you will be enthralled with what you find. The entirety of the Amsterdam Pipe museum is dedicated to the smoking pipes and promises a pleasant treat to viewers.
Address : Prinsengracht 488 (1017 KH, Amsterdam)
Website : http://pipemuseum.nl/
Gallery Pipe Museum Amsterdam :
Torture Museum Amsterdam

Impression of Pipe Museum Amsterdam
Photo credits: PersianDutchNetwork
The Torture Museum is a tiny museum that is situated in the center of Amsterdam. This amazingly weird museum is dedicated to showcasing some of the rarest torture equipment. While this is rather ironical, this abnormal museum is situated close to the flower market. The museum features a maze of dark compartments. The various compartments are home to a single or more torture equipment. From the antiquated torture equipment like the guillotine to torture positions, you can be sure of a thrilling experience.
Address : Singel 449 (1012 LK, Amsterdam)
Website : http://www.torturemuseum.com/
Gallery Torture Museum Amsterdam :
Amsterdam is a very fun place with a lot of exciting and adventurous diversions. Irrespective of what your proclivities are, you can be sure that you will find a beautiful location where you can indulge. Amsterdam even has a torture museum for folks with sadistic fantasies. Form the hash and hemp museum to the Nemo science museum, there is almost a museum for you to indulge your weirdest proclivities.
I wonder… Which museum do you think should be included on the list?! OR have you been to one of the mentioned museums, and what were your experiences?! Let me know!